[Android Game] เกมใหม่น่าเล่น สู่อวกาศอันกว้างไกล Tiamat X V1.0.3 [Full Game][ราคา 75 บาท]


The evil Choazid Empire has launched a surprise attack on your homeworld, establishing a heavily fortified base from where their forward assault group burrows deep underground, capturing subterranean lifeforms and transforming them into vicious biomechs.
With it being only a matter of time before the Choazids start converting your people, it s up to you to take the controls of one of the few remaining Tiamat dragonship prototypes: the X class fighter, a craft capable of immense firepower - provided you pick up enough upgrade caches during a mission where you must dodge and blast like there s no tomorrow.
Featuring six levels of intense shooting action, Tiamat X is a rip-snortin tribute to the side-scrolling shooters of yesteryear, and would be right at home blazing away on the screen of a booming, beer-stained arcade cabinet. As such, your PC will have to do, and it is much to the designer s regret that he can t plumb a coin-slot into his rig for that truly authentic seaside amusement-park experience.
Get some big speakers, though. Really, we do recommend them for this game.
Key features include:
x Auto fire - this is primarily intended as an accessibility option and allows the player to not have to worry  using a fire button.
x Quick fire - don t like mashing buttons/keys, then this is for you. Press and hold to fire.
Colour blind filter - this filter adjusts the game thereby making it more colour blind friendly. We just hope we have got it right!
x Six levels of intense shooting action.
x Original music score.
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Required Android O/S : 2.1+

0. เช็คก่อนว่าเครื่องท่านเล่นได้มั้ย (เข้าแล้ว login play store ด้วย)

1. Install APK

2. Launch the game

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